Drumshanbo Vocational School

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Athletics Basketball Football Volleyball

Drumshanbo VS embraces and encourages a number of different sports including basketball, football, handball, athletics and most notably volleyball.  The school view sports as a way of improving and maintaining the physical and mental well-being of the students, carrying out training during and after school hours.        

Drumshanbo VS has a very proud record in sporting events and would be recognised as one of the leaders in the All Ireland schools volleyball league.   The schools basketball teams are improving steadily and are now very prominent in the north west region.  Gaelic football is played by both girls and boys at the various age levels.  The school participates in two categories of athletics - cross country and track and field.  The local Mayflower Complex is used for handball competitions. 

Many of the teachers are involved in coaching the teams and we would like to express our thanks for their hard work and dedication.